The English Department administers the creative writing major. Students take four writing workshops, in which they draft, analyze, and revise manuscripts in a small class setting.

Students majoring in Creative Writing select one area of concentration:

  • Poetry
  • Fiction
  • Nonfiction

Entering Major: The 200-level courses in Fiction, Poetry, and Nonfiction are the gateway courses to the major. The student must complete a 200-level course in his or her stated concentration with a C minimum, in addition to a second 200-level course in a concentration of his or her choice.

Writing skills: Strong writing skills are required to succeed as a Creative Writing Major or Minor. If a student needs help with grammar or basic composition, he or she is strongly encouraged to seek additional tutoring and/or coursework to develop writing proficiency prior to or concurrent to fulfilling the Creative Writing sequence.

The knowledge of literary traditions, genres, and theory; writing and analysis skills; and writing workshop experience gained from a major in Creative Writing provides a strong foundation for a career working as a writer or incorporating creative writing principles into one’s work. Graduates in Creative Writing might write or edit for popular or literary periodicals, books, websites, or television, or they might work as teachers, arts advocates, or on creative teams in public relations, media, or advertising. A Creative Writing major is also excellent preparation for Master of Fine Arts writing programs or graduate studies in English, literature, journalism, or media arts. Creative Writing, like many majors, teaches content and skills that can be applied to a wide variety of career fields. This major does not restrict you to a specific field.