Chemistry is often called "the central science" as it connects mathematics and physics with natural sciences such as biology and astronomy. Chemistry is the science of natural and synthetic molecules and materials. Chemists study the properties and reactivity of matter and create and discover new chemicals. Since the transformation of matter is integral to the modern world, the study of chemistry can lead to a diverse variety of careers. These include R & D jobs in environmental, materials or forensics chemistry, energy production, biotechnology and medicinal chemistry and the food, cosmetic and textile industries as well as employment in sales, management, law and consulting. The Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry is certified by the American Chemical Society, indicating a broad-based and rigorous chemistry education that provides students the intellectual, experimental, and communication skills to become effective scientific professionals. The Bachelor of Arts degree program in Chemistry provides a strong science foundation for those interested in pursuing technical careers or health-related professions. Students completing either degree are prepared upon graduation to work as chemists in academic, industrial and governmental settings. In addition, these programs of study provide an excellent foundation for advanced studies in chemistry, biochemistry or related graduate programs as well as professional schools in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and osteopathy. The Department also offers a Bachelor of Science in Science Education with a Chemistry option, which prepares students for careers in secondary school science education. Students completing this program meet the requirements for secondary science certification by the Arizona Department of Education. As chemistry is primarily an experimental science, research opportunities are also available in analytical, organic, inorganic, physical and biochemistry.