In the fall of 1997, The University of Arizona was the first educational institution in the U.S. to offer a Ph.D. in American Indian Studies. The Ph.D. in American Indian Studies is an interdisciplinary program designed to: prepare graduate students for academic careers; conduct advanced and applied scholarly research from a cross-cultural perspective; develop theoretical and innovative theories, methodologies, and research tools appropriate for and useful to sovereign tribes; and to educate students to assume leadership and policy-making roles in higher education, tribal communities, the state and nation. The Ph.D. program is designed to be completed in 3-4 years (after completing the Master's degree).

The Graduate College sponsors several Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs (GIDPs) in addition to the many interdisciplinary possibilities available through regular graduate degree programs. GIDPs transcend departmental boundaries by facilitating cutting edge teaching and research at the nexus of traditional disciplines. The high value placed on interdisciplinary research and education is indicative of The University of Arizona's enthusiasm and commitment to fostering innovation and creativity among its faculty and students.