We live in the Information Age. The new leaders of the 21st century will be those who can access and manage information and extract meaning from the stream of digital data coming at us 24/7. The opportunities to ride the wave of information now belong to students in every discipline. The School of Information: Science, Technology, and Arts (SISTA) teaches students to understand the computational aspects of any discipline and provides expertise and promotes research in computational methods and thinking across disciplines. SISTA will teach you to recognize and understand the computational needs of a discipline and to work with the practitioners of that discipline to develop novel solutions to emerging problems. Our degrees provide students with the broad interdisciplinary knowledge and skills necessary to function effectively and flexibly as part of an information-based workforce. We are in the midst of an information revolution. If you can dream it, SISTA can help you get there!

The Information Science and Arts major is an interdisciplinary field that familiarizes students with computational and research methods, problem-solving skills, and technological experience for solving information problems in the arts, humanities, and sciences. Graduates in this major will be well prepared to access and manage information and extract meaning from digital data for clients in fields ranging from health care to education to businesses to nonprofit organizations. This major is also excellent preparation for graduate study in fields including library science, information science, or linguistics.