Bright, motivated students are attracted by UT?s engineering co-op program. We are one of only eight colleges in the U.S. that requires this practical work experience.

Chemical engineers are regarded as the most versatile of all engineers. They work in a broad range of industries from medicine to microelectronics. They combine math, chemistry, physics and biology with engineering to:

  • Solve environmental problems.
  • Create new sources of fuel.
  • Develop solutions to water and food challenges.
  • Advance health care initiatives.

bachelor's degree highlights:

  • UToledo graduates get jobs.?Chemical engineering graduates have a greater than 85% job placement rate. Starting salaries can be more than $65,000 a year. All students get free assistance from the Career Development Center in the College of Engineering.
  • Freshman Interest Group.?This program eases the transition from high school to college. You'll share the same schedule of classes with a small group of other engineering students.?
  • Award-winning faculty.?UToledo chemical engineering professors have extensive expertise in everything from biomass processing and fuels to polymer science and membrane separations.
  • Hands-on experience.?As freshmen, chemical engineering students develop a product or process that addresses a need in society. They present ideas to potential investors. Senior engineering students work with clients to complete similar capstone design projects.
  • State-of-the-art facilities.?The chemical engineering degree program is housed in the Nitschke Engineering Complex located on UT?s Main Campus.?
  • Automatic chemistry minor.?You also can minor in biology, mathematics, business administration, entrepreneurship, renewable energy or other related programs.
  • The Center for Academic Services in Engineering.?This unique service within the College of Engineering combines tutoring, a reserved reading room and a study center.?

Career opportunity:

UToledo graduates with a chemical engineering degree have a greater than 85% job placement rate.

Where do chemical engineers work?

  • Production and utilization of energy?
  • Environmental protection?
  • Pulp and paper?
  • Advanced materials?
  • Manufacture of chemicals?
  • Plastics manufacture?
  • Food processing?