Contemporary society has embraced and come to rely on technology, so much so that it is entrenched in our everyday lives. This shift toward a technology driven society has created the need for technology products to be designed to fit the everyday, busy lives of consumers. If a device does not mesh with a person?s lifestyle, it will quickly become obsolete. In all capacities?whether for home, work or leisure use?gaining a firm grasp of what the consumer needs in these devices is essential to moving technology forward. Powerful mobile devices are increasingly replacing the functionality of larger, more cumbersome devices such as the PC. As this transition takes place, the need for intelligently designed products will continue to grow. Integrated devices and services in cars, homes and offices will interact with wearable devices to give the consumer a content-rich, context-driven experience. Designing, programming and building these devices will give students a firm grasp on the next generation of hardware devices and how these devices will shape the future of society.