You?ve heard of the term ?public relations,? but do you really know what it means? Perhaps you think PR is the same as publicity ? helping rappers or movie stars or athletes gain and keep the media's attention. Or maybe you think it means event planning.

Public relations is so much more than that.Simply defined, public relations means ?relations with publics.? In other words, public relations means understanding what specific groups of people need or want and then figuring out the best ways to get them information, products or services. The foundation of your degree will be what you learn in the classroom.

The Bachelor of Science Public Relations at Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University students:

  • explore the different types of public relations;
  • learn how PR practitioners work, think, and communicate;
  • explore new social media such as podcasting, blogging, and Internet communities;
  • conduct PR research using benchmarking, surveying, and focus groups as tools;
  • write pitch letters, press releases, speeches, brochures, fact sheets, and Web copy while creating a media kit to promote an event, company or person.