The discipline of mechanical engineering is very broad, but generally emphasizes an appropriate mix of thermal science, mechanics and materials, dynamic systems, and design. Graduates typically enter various energy, aerospace, product manufacturing industries, or government laboratories.

The Bachelor of Science (BS) program in at Florida State University is designed to impart a broad knowledge in basic and engineering sciences and to provide a solid understanding of contemporary engineering practices. The program also seeks to provide students with a foundation in communications skills, principles of economics, and other fundamentals upon which they will draw in their professional careers. Special emphasis is placed on communications skills by requiring extensive written laboratory reports and design project presentations. Computer literacy is bolstered by a variety of course assignments throughout the program and especially in the design courses, wherein students are exposed to a number of design software programs widely used in the engineering industry.

Beyond the basic core curriculum, the Mechanical Engineering courses are grouped into five major area streams: thermal and fluid systems, mechanical systems, mechanics and materials, dynamic systems, and engineering design. The courses in each of these areas give students a foundation in the relevant engineering sciences with a strong orientation in design and extensive laboratory experience. The design curriculum culminates with a one-year (two-semester) capstone design course in which the students design and implement a full system or product, usually under industrial sponsorship.

Several undergraduate teaching laboratories provide extensive experimental apparatus for laboratory courses. The fluid mechanics laboratory, heat transfer laboratory, solid mechanics laboratory, dynamic systems laboratory, and controls and robotics laboratory are all well equipped with the latest tools and equipment for experimentation, data acquisition, post processing, and analysis. The College of Engineering provides several computer labs running a variety of standard design and analysis software packages, including Algor FEA modules, PTC's Pro/Engineer and Pro/Mechanica, ADAMS, and MathWorks' MATLAB.

Program Educational Objectives

Consistent with the missions of Florida State University, Florida A&M University, and the College of Engineering, and in accordance with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) criteria, the department has developed the following program educational objectives. We expect our graduates in the first five years upon graduation from our program to:

  • make career progress in industrial, research, or graduate work in mechanical engineering or allied fields
  • design and analyze devices, products, or processes that meet the needs of an employer, organization, or customer, based on sound scientific knowledge and engineering practices
  • become engineering professionals by engaging in professional activities and continuous self-development
  • function in multicultural and multidisciplinary environments across regional and national borders