This premise implies that every teacher ought to be committed to the subject of music and its use with people. Putting this premise to practice has enabled FSU's music education program to have a 100% job placement rate as graduates find positions in school districts across the United States, and indeed around the world.

The primary focuses within the program are elementary and general music education, as well as middle school and high school chorus, orchestra and band. Students study with one of the largest and most prestigious faculty in the world. Among the classes in which graduates receive instruction are: teaching and learning methods, music literature, conducting, classroom organization and management, ear training, music theory, music history, and score preparation. Additionally, graduates receive significant real-life classroom teaching opportunities prior to student teaching. Consequently, FSU students are experienced teachers before they complete their degree program.

The Bachelor of Music Education degree leads to K-12 Music teacher certification in the state of Florida. For career mobility certification recipients may apply for temporary teacher certification in all states that have reciprocal certification agreements with the Florida Department of Education. The College of Music recommends students to the university for conferral of the Bachelor of Music Education degree and the College of Education recommends all successful degree candidates to the Department of Education for teacher certification.