As a research university, FSU (and the HPS Program) offers opportunities for study and research in topics of particular relevance to the southeast, such as racial issues, conservation and problems of pollution, and clashes between science and religion. We also have major strengths in other areas: logic and formal methods, social philosophy, environmental history, intellectual and cultural history, history of the U.S. South, ancient science and mathematics, and ecology and evolutionary biology.

In 2008, our group of core faculty expanded in each of the core areas (history, philosophy, and religion) with the addition of Ronald Doel (History of Science), Kristine Harper (History of Science and Science Education), and James Justus (Philosophy of Science). More recently, Svetla Slaveva-Griffin (Ancient Science and Medicine) joined the Core Faculty.

FSU has competitive graduate fellowships and there are opportunities for research and teaching assistantships that include tuition waivers. FSU Library resources are quite strong in HPS and we are constantly expanding holdings. We are committed to helping our students when they complete their degree, either to further graduate work or to entering the work force. This master’s degree with its multidisciplinary breadth is appropriate for those interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in related areas of philosophy, history, religion or biology. It is also suitable for those undergraduates who would like to combine it with one of the traditional disciplines in our combined bachelors-masters program. In all cases we tailor individual course programs to suit students’ needs.