Students who complete the? program earn two degrees ? one from PLU and the other from an ABET-accredited engineering school. The total length of study is usually five years: three years at PLU and two years at the engineering school. Hence, the program is often referred to as ?3-2 Engineering.?
The PLU Degree
The Dual-Degree student is awarded a PLU degree when the PLU requirements are satisfied and the program of study at the engineering school is completed. The PLU degree most often awarded to Dual-Degree students is the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Physics. The physics degree can be selected for all engineering subdisciplines, but students wishing to study chemical engineering or biomedical engineering often choose to obtain the B.A. in Chemistry from PLU.
Affiliated Engineering Schools and Available Engineering Majors
As indicated in the table below, many subdisciplines of engineering are available to students in Dual-Degree Engineering, including electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical, and biomedical engineering. Formal agreements are maintained with Columbia University in New York City and Washington University in St. Louis. Occasionally, a student may choose to transfer to a non-affiliated institution for the final two years of study, but in such cases there can be additional requirements imposed by the engineering school. PLU students who have participated in 3-2 Engineering tell us of their rich cultural and academic experiences at both schools, and they are routinely very pleased with their decision to have participated in the program.