To be a friend of philosophy, then, is certainly to seek understanding of the history and development of philosophy as it engages the world, but more notably it is to take up the question, ?How do I live philosophically, ethically, or in ways that make a difference??

Seen in this light, philosophy examines basic issues in all fields and explores connections among diverse areas of life. The major intersects with questions such as: How can humans gain knowledge about their world? What is the ethical treatment of research animals? When should a nation go to war and is it ever justified?

Why Study ?

Philosophy involves inquiry about the most basic and compelling questions of life. German philosopher Immanuel Kant once summed up these questions in this way: ?What can I know? What should I do? What may I hope??

In doing philosophy, people learn to clarify questions such as these and to evaluate beliefs held about them. They examine the reasons given for personal lifestyles, for public policies from just about everything from war to welfare, from criminal justice to medicine to business. They wonder how you can tell good art or music from bad. And they explore connections among diverse areas of life and experience, and between academic disciplines.

Undergraduate study in philosophy is not meant to train you specifically for a first job. Instead it serves to sharpen basic skills in critical thinking, problem solving, research, analysis, interpretation and writing.

Why Study Philosophy at PLU?

At PLU, students in philosophy courses, especially our majors and minors, receive individual attention and assistance from faculty. Members of the department, while committed to teaching as their first priority, continue to be involved in scholarly activities that wrestle with real-life problems and address fundamental human questions.

Careers for Philosophy Majors

Philosophy majors work in a wide range of careers. Some have gone on to become philosophy professors themselves. Others have been successful in seminary; in medical, dental or law school; in graduate programs in social justice or environmental studies; and even as a technical writer for Microsoft!

Philosophy faculty regularly teach courses in the First-Year Experience: Writing Seminars and Inquiry Seminars especially designed for freshmen. These provide a good way for students to become acquainted with the questions, methods, and approaches used in philosophy courses.