The M.S. program offers coursework encompassing almost all of the subject matter for the first five professional examinations of the Society of Actuaries and Casualty Actuarial Society allowing students flexibility to focus on the particular material for which they are ready. These courses provide rigorous academic coverage of the material and are not specifically aimed at exam-prep, which is the student’s own responsibility. The program offers elective coursework meeting all of the Validation by Educational Experience (VEE) requirements of the two professional societies. In addition, advanced coursework in Statistics, Finance, Investing, Accounting and Economics is available. Students typically complete the degree in 3 or 4 semesters of full-time study and a few do it in two semesters. Rarely, a student completes the program on a part-time basis, which takes longer.

Students do well in this program if they come with bachelor’s degrees in mathematics, statistics, physics, engineering, quantitative economics, or other related fields, and who want a career applying their already strong mathematical knowledge and skills to the understanding and solution of problems involving risk and the financing of risk. No prior knowledge of actuarial science, finance, or investing is required but the mathematics background is essential (see Admission). Students with extensive prior actuarial study may be better served going directly into their careers rather than into this degree program. While most students are recent graduates, we also welcome returning students who wish to upgrade their skills to enter a new career or advance with their current employers.