Students work with advisors to develop and complete a personalized and interdepartmental baccalaureate program based on their educational and career interests and goals. Courses selected for this major will include both introductory and advanced material from multiple departments in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, as well as prerequisite and related knowledge and experiences in other disciplines.

Agriculture has evolved to engage scientists concerned with food, people, and health in a manner that is economically viable and environmentally sustainable. The College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources maintains strong programs in fields such as agricultural biotechnology, allied health sciences, animal science, diagnostic and environmental sciences, health promotion, landscape architecture, medical laboratory sciences, nutritional biochemistry, pathobiology, pre-veterinary study, resource economics, and wildlife management.

The College has extensive facilities and operations to supplement and enhance instruction, learning experiences, and research. Laboratories, plants, animals, greenhouses and other related resources – both on and off campus – allow students to apply knowledge and skills in real-world, professional environments. The Agricultural Biotechnology complex, Center for Land Use Education and Research, Center for Environmental Health, Nayden Rehabilitation Clinic, Korey Stringer Institute and Athletic Training Learning Laboratory, Connecticut Institute of Water Resources, Connecticut State Climate Center, Food Marketing Policy Center, and the Wildlife Conservation Research Center are all integral components of the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources.