• The Seattle University Theatre program nurtures student's ambitions and strengths while delivering them a comprehensive education in all areas of theatre, including acting, design, directing, history and production. Seattle University offers major and minor degrees as well as Departmental Honors.
  • Students will have the chance to take advantage of Seattle’s faculty mentorship, a signature characteristic of our educational philosophy. Seattle University's small class sizes allow students to develop close one-on-one working relationships with theatre faculty.
  • In tandem with classroom learning, students will receive practical training through Seattle’s Mainstage Season working on all aspects of production: from acting to stage management, dramaturgy to assistant direction, backstage crew to design. The Mainstage Season is produced in the Lee Center for the Arts, which features a state-of-the-art 120-seat flexible space theatre, costume and scene shops.
  • Students in the B.A. theatre major take a rounded curriculum that includes classes in acting, design, directing, theatre history, and stage management. Electives include classes in playwriting, advanced acting, advanced design, and puppetry. Seattle University’s mainstage productions are a central component of the program providing intensive practical learning opportunities under professional guidance.