• The LLM in American Legal Studies is designed as a general overview and is intended for foreign-trained lawyers who want to become eligible to take the bar exam in the United States.
  • Seattle University School of Law is committed to providing international LLM students with individualized counseling and support in their preparation for taking the Uniform Bar Exam. If students have determined that pursuing admission to a U.S. Bar is the right choice for them, Seattle’s Bar Studies program is designed to give the foundation students need to approach the Bar exam with confidence while also maximizing, to the greatest extent possible, the number of classes that meet their own intellectual and career goals.
  • When the LLM program starts, the Director of the Bar Studies Program will work with students individually to determine bar eligibility and design a customized course of study for the bar exam. Seattle University School of Law offers several bar-tested subjects as well as specific classes designed to enhance student's ability to successfully prepare for the Uniform Bar Exam.
  • At Seattle U Law, students participate actively in classroom discussions. Their school focuses considerable attention on honing a student’s analytic, reading, and communications skills.