The Department of Political Science offers a degree program leading to the bachelor of science in political science. The department introduces students to the analysis of political behavior, values, institutions, and governments. It also offers preparation for various graduate and professional studies and for careers in public service.

The department makes available opportunities to participate in a variety of programs that combine practical field experience and academic credit. It assists students in arranging academic credit for internships in local politics. Students may work for government agencies, legislative or judicial bodies, political parties, or politically related groups.

The department regularly offers courses that combine local internships with classroom work. On the national level, Santa Clara is a member school of American University’s Washington, D.C., program, in which students receive credit for internships and intensive seminars at the nation’s capital. Santa Clara also participates in the Panetta Institute’s Congressional Intern- ship Program, which fully subsidizes students who study and intern with the California Congressional delegation on Capitol Hill. On the international level, the department encourages student participation in the numerous University-operated and approved study abroad programs, especially those with internships. See the Domestic Public Sector Studies Programs section in Chapter 2 for additional details on public sector programs.