The profession of Mechanical Engineering is currently undergoing fundamental transformations initiated by scientific breakthroughs and newly emerging technologies. Graduate students are prepared to actively shape these transformations and to build on the opportunities they create. The Department offers specialization in any of the following major areas:

  • Computational Science and Engineering

  • Dynamical Systems, Control and Robotics

  • Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences

  • Micro- and Nanoscale Engineering

  • Solid Mechanics, Structures, and Materials Engineering

  • Bioengineering and Systems Biology

The curricula for each of the major areas emphasize a broad education in the fundamental principles, with subsequent training in the area of specialization. Programs of study and research are highly flexible, and can be individually tailored to accommodate the interests and needs of the students. Interdisciplinary approaches are emphasized, and students are encouraged to cross over traditional boundaries into other departments within the College of Engineering (Electrical and Computer Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, and Materials) and other science disciplines at UCSB.