Our main focus is to prepare graduates for practice in professional engineering. Thus, our “learn by doing” philosophy is emphasized in the curriculum by the large number of design-centered laboratories, integrating design throughout the curriculum, and the senior design project experience.

In the required senior design project, students demonstrate their understanding of engineering knowledge and their ability to apply that knowledge creatively to practical problems. Graduates can choose from a challenging range of career activities: operations research and analysis, production planning and scheduling, plant design, management, human factors engineering design, data processing and analysis, measurement, quality control and reliability assurance, technical economic planning, resource conservation, productivity measurement, increasing productivity using computer integrated manufacturing techniques, robotics, and, in general, systems analysis and design. The physical, engineering, and social sciences form the broad base for these endeavors.

The program is oriented to provide graduates with the capability of producing results with a minimum of additional training. Computer and hi-tech firms, health care and biomedical industries, aerospace/defense, entertainment, retail chains, farms, airlines, automotive, as well as government, service firms, traditional manufacturing industries, and consulting firms all employ graduates of this discipline. Graduates also are well prepared for successful graduate study.