Flexibility, core competency and self-determination are the keywords for students of the General Engineering Program. 

General Engineering graduates have used this program as a foundation for advanced studies and careers in education, project management, technical sales, law, entrepreneurship, medicine and a hundred other paths defined by their keen intellects and adventuresome spirits.

The primary goal of the General Engineering Program is to provide students with a theoretically rigorous and a laboratory-centered, practice-oriented, hands-on education that allows graduates to immediately participate and to excel in professional environments. The program is underpinned by a rigorous selection of mathematics, science, basic engineering and liberal-arts courses. There are two paths in the General Engineering program: the General Curriculum in General Engineering, which provides a broad, but rigorous, undergraduate course of study, and the Individualized Course of Study, in which students, with their advisors, select forty technical elective classes that allow the students to put their own mark on their degrees, ensuring a unique competency with a solid underpinning.