The program offers a sound background in the fundamentals of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, mass transfer, water resources, and geotechnical engineering. The problem-oriented approach to instruction, in modern well-equipped laboratories, provides an excellent opportunity to gain understanding and experience of the discipline.

The main focus of the program is to prepare graduates for practice in professional engineering. Thus, Cal Poly’s “learn by doing” philosophy is emphasized by integrating design throughout the curriculum, especially in the numerous design-centered laboratories. In the required senior design project, which is completed in a two-quarter set of capstone courses, students demonstrate their understanding of engineering knowledge and their ability to apply that knowledge creatively to practical problems.

The Environmental Engineering program educational objectives are that its graduates will:

  • Apply environmental engineering principles to analyze and solve real-world engineering challenges.
  • Think independently, engage in life-long learning, and continue their development as professionals.
  • Be prepared to pursue graduate study and licensure.
  • Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, and collaborate successfully in teams.
  • Address the ethical, societal, and global issues encountered in environmental engineering.