Graduate students will meet the following student performance criteria:

2D Animation & Stop Motion - Traditional Animation

  • Demonstrate strong drawing skills and facility with anatomy, proportion, figure, animals, perspective, color and design, and composition
  • Develop visual stories that support comedic or dramatic situations
  • Stage stories through effective camera placement choices
  • Draw convincing characters, layouts, storyboards, and animatics
  • Apply the principles of animation to create animated movement and performances
  • Technical Skills - Demonstrate facility with animation technology and software
  • Presentation Skills - Clearly discuss work and workflow process with a review committee, using industry terminology
  • Presentation Skills - Create visually compelling, professional quality presentation materials
  • Professional Readiness - Produce a cohesive portfolio or demo reel tailored to reflect career goals

3D Animation

  • Apply the major principles of animation
  • Create pieces that showcase expression and emotion
  • Stage stories through effective camera placement choices
  • Technical Skills - Demonstrate facility with animation technology and software
  • Presentation Skills - Create visually compelling, professional quality presentation materials
  • Preproduction Skills (Project Development) - Execute projects that demonstrate attention to: research, analytical thinking, detail, flexibility in problem solving, and revision
  • Professional Readiness - Produce a cohesive portfolio or demo reel tailored to reflect career goals
  • Professional Readiness - Document project workflow

3D Modeling - Modeling

  • Convincingly model forms in 3-dimensions that demonstrate a thorough understanding of anatomy and sculptural form
  • Display a range of modeling skill sets including hard surfaces and organic
  • Create textures that will be applied to the surface of models
  • Produce industry-standard turnarounds and wireframes
  • Technical Skills - Demonstrate facility with animation technology and software
  • Professional Readiness - Produce a cohesive portfolio/demo reel reflecting career goals

Visual Effects

  • Design digital effects that meet the needs of the imagery
  • Create believable images by combining elements from different sources
  • Compose shots for narrative power
  • Technical Skills - Demonstrate facility with animation technology and software
  • Presentation Skills - Clearly discuss work and workflow process, using industry terminology
  • Preproduction Skills (Project Development) - Execute projects that demonstrate attention to: research, analytical thinking, detail, flexibility in problem solving, and revision
  • Collaboration - Collaborate effectively to produce creative projects
  • Professional Readiness - Produce a cohesive portfolio or demo reel tailored to reflect career goals
  • Professional Readiness - Demonstrate accountability for planning complex projects, prioritizing tasks and meeting project milestones
  • Professional Readiness - Document project workflow