Undergraduate students will meet the following student performance criteria:

Visual Development

  • Generate functional designs for entertainment media (2D or 3D), following an industry-standard process from thumbnails through final render
  • Effectively communicate narrative, theme and character through design choices
  • Maintain a consistent ?language? or ?signature style? in art directing a scene with the requisite continuity in visual storytelling
  • Demonstrate the ability to research for inspiration, reference, and accuracy
  • Demonstrate flexibility in illustrative style by showing both a unique personal style and the ability to accommodate style to project needs

Artistic Ability

  • Draw and paint convincing poses, expressions, character designs, thumbnails, storyboards and production paintings
  • Demonstrate facility creating perspective and conveying anatomy and proportion in human and animal figures.
  • Master the use of a focal point, with value, color, detail and composition.

Technical Skills

  • Demonstrate proficient skills with relevant animation technology and software.

Presentation Skills

  • Create visually compelling and cohesive presentations
  • Discuss work clearly and professionally


  • Collaborate effectively on creative projects

Professional Readiness

  • Produce a comprehensive portfolio (digital and print) which meets industry standards
  • Manage workload to meet deadlines