Undergraduate students will meet the following student performance criteria:

Art Historical Knowledge

  • Demonstrate proficient knowledge of art historical issues through a final written thesis.
  • Intelligently discuss art and architecture from the major Western traditions and the artists that produced them
  • Analyze the stylistic characteristics of Western art and architecture using appropriate terminology
  • Analyze the social, political, historical and religious contexts of Western art and architecture

Art and Design Skills

  • Create a portfolio of work within a specialized discipline of fine art (Painting and Printmaking or Sculpture)
  • Demonstrate basic command of color, drawing and compositional choices within their specialty area

Research and Analysis

  • Research and persuasively analyze an art historical issue and/or theoretical position
  • Apply theoretical and methodological approaches to the interpretation of Western art and architecture

Communication Skills

  • Clearly express their ideas though reflective writing and researched presentations
  • Speak, read and write on a basic level in a foreign (European) language

Professional Readiness

  • Conduct research, write effectively and synthesize acquired knowledge in art historical as well as fine art contexts.

Academy of Art University Learning Outcomes?
Graduates of the Academy of Art University will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Produce a body of work suitable for seeking professional opportunities in their chosen field of art and design.
  • Solve creative problems within their field of art and design, including research and synthesis of technical, aesthetic, and conceptual knowledge.
  • Communicate their ideas professionally and connect with their intended audience using visual, oral, and written presentation skills relevant to their field.
  • Execute technical, aesthetic, and conceptual decisions based on an understanding of art and design principles.
  • Evaluate work in their field, including their own work, using professional terminology.
  • Recognize the influence of major cultural and aesthetic trends, both historical and contemporary, on art and design products.
  • Learn the professional skills and behaviors necessary to compete in the global marketplace for art and design.