Undergraduate students will meet the following student performance criteria:

Design Skills

  • Effectively use visual media, including freehand drawing, to convey ideas and concepts throughout the creative process.
  • Apply basic design principles to creative work.

Communication Skills

  • Create engaging narratives that demonstrate an understanding of the elements of storytelling: idea, structure, conflict, character, and imagery.
  • Clearly and confidently present ideas in both formal and informal group settings.
  • Coherently explain complex ideas in short-form, simplified writing.

Problem Solving

  • Apply strategic elements focused on the target customer, the product/ service, and the market.
  • Gather, assess, and apply relevant information, including historical research, as part of the conceptual and design process.

Conceptual Thinking

  • Communicate relevant objectives through the use of appropriate aesthetic choices.
  • Think conceptually and execute projects beyond traditional advertising media.
  • Generate original ideas.
  • Develop ideas that can be articulated within project parameters.

Professional Readiness

  • Present an original portfolio to acquire a job within the industry.
  • Articulate career goals and plan to achieve them.
  • Submit work according to professional presentation standards.
  • Collaborate with other members of a creative team.