We offer two different education tracks to suit your individual needs:

The first option is a terminal degree for those wishing to advance their career in K-12 education while enrolled in the teaching credential program. You will add breadth to your understanding by learning research techniques specific to music education, participating in classes on designing and implementing curricula, and taking part in seminars on secondary education. And you will add depth through fieldwork and a master’s thesis in an area of your particular interest. We have scheduled classes late in the day, to allow you to participate even if you have a full-time position.

The second option is preparation for doctoral study and is an opportunity for teachers with a credential and two years of experience to lay the groundwork for advanced studies. In addition to classes in research methods specific to music education and in curricular development, you are encouraged to take non-music classes in areas related to your particular interest, further honing your knowledge in areas you may wish to explore at the doctoral level.