Both concentrations require a set of pre-major prerequisites and core requirements, some of which may be utilized to fulfill general education requirements, and which establish the framework for the study of movement, skills, and physical activity from a variety of perspectives. In addition a set of concentration-specific courses serves the purpose of preparing the student for specific careers and/or graduate study within the field or related disciplines. Students must select one of the two concentrations.

  • All courses including physical activity courses used to satisfy completion of major requirements must be taken for a letter grade. No CR/NC grades may be used on the major petition for graduation.
  • Students majoring in Physical Education and taking courses in Exercise Science Emphasis areas (i.e., Physiology of Fitness and Health; Fitness Programming in Youth and Elderly Populations) are required to show proof of current First Aid/CPR certification upon application for graduation. This can be obtained via receiving off-campus certification by an agency such as the American Red Cross.
  • Students majoring in Physical Education must earn a grade of C or higher in all required Kinesiology theory courses and grade of B or higher in all movement-based courses.
  • It is recommended that students graduate with some form of certification to enhance employment opportunities, such as those provided by the American Red Cross, the American College of Sports Medicine, ACE, Senior Fitness Certificate, AFAA, or the National Coaching Association. See an advisor for suggestions and/or additional possibilities.