Communication Studies students develop skills essential for leadership and career development, and for understanding and interpreting events. They learn to advocate and critically debate ideas in social and political settings, appreciate diverse communication styles, work productively in task-oriented groups, and engage in rewarding interpersonal relationships.

The department works to express what it perceives, feels, and believes, encouraging students to do the same so that all may engage openly in genuine dialogue. It also encourages the practice of hearing and honoring a variety of voices and celebrating creative and humane approaches to solving complex human problems in our local and global communities.

Career Outlook

Graduates in communication studies have an excellent track record entering their chosen career fields and attending graduate and professional schools. The graduates have secured positions as public relations managers, human resources trainers, employment recruiting specialists, marketing representatives, civil rights activists, campaign managers, and sales representatives, among others. Advisors can assist students in planning programs of study that are attractive to graduate schools and to prospective employers.