The Department of Biology provides undergraduate and graduate programs covering the breadth of biology. Course work ranges from introductory biology to specialized courses in broad disciplines of biology. The department has grouped courses into concentrations to help advise students of appropriate programs of study in various biology disciplines. Each concentration provides breadth of background in basic biological concepts as well as depth in the specific discipline.

Career Outlook

This is an exciting time for graduates with degrees in biology. New breakthroughs in understanding living systems are leading to the development of new career opportunities at a rapid rate. In this regard, the undergraduate degrees can open the door to excellent career opportunities in industry, health care, public agencies, secondary school teaching, academia, and many other areas. Many graduates enter careers in the biotechnology industry, in the health professions, and environmental and conservation biology. High level positions in industry and academia commonly require advanced graduate work. The bachelor of science degrees are designed to give students the training they need to enter doctoral or master’s programs in biology and related disciplines. Each year many SF State biology graduates are accepted into doctoral programs across the country. SF State’s biology programs also have a strong record of placing students in medical and dental schools.

The San Francisco Bay Area is one of the world’s largest centers for the biotechnology industry. The majors in cell and molecular biology and microbiology emphasize the latest cutting edge technologies to provide students with relevant practical skills. Many companies actively recruit SF State students for positions or internships, and SF State graduates are well represented in many prominent biotechnology companies. Employment opportunities vary from manufacturing to technical research support to biotechnology and pharmaceuticals research management.