The Bachelor of Arts is offered for students with a general interest in mathematics; Bachelor of Science programs in applied mathematics and statistics are also offered. Courses are offered in mathematics education for prospective elementary and secondary teachers. Copies of program requirements are available in the mathematics department office.

The Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics has three concentrations:

  • Liberal Arts
  • Teaching
  • Advanced Study

The Liberal Arts concentration is for students who desire a broad liberal arts education with an emphasis in mathematics.

The Teaching concentration is for students whose goal is to teach mathematics in middle school or high school. These students will obtain a solid understanding of the mathematics needed for teaching and they will gain classroom experience as volunteers in local public schools. They will also have the opportunity to develop the mathematical skills, flexibility and perceptiveness in order to help future students cultivate fruitful wonderful ideas, and to help students connect their thinking to formal mathematical structures. Students who complete this concentration will have satisfied the early field experience requirement and the subject matter competency requirement for a single subject credential in mathematics.

The Advanced Study concentration is for students who plan to pursue a masters or doctoral degree in mathematics. Students who choose this concentration will obtain a solid foundation in the cornerstones of advanced mathematics: linear algebra, abstract algebra, vector analysis, real analysis and complex analysis.