The Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology is designed to serve the needs of students who do not plan to continue their training beyond the baccalaureate level, as well as those who intend to pursue graduate study leading to the M.A. or Ph.D. in anthropology or in another academic discipline.

The Master of Arts in Anthropology is offered for those who plan to continue their graduate work elsewhere toward the doctorate as well as those who plan to terminate their training at the master's level and seek employment or obtain a teaching credential.

Career Outlook

Anthropological skills are important for careers in public and private sector social services, health, community organizing and advocacy, cultural resource management, urban planning, international economic development, culturally-focused mass media, environmental assessment, education, social work, investigative journalism, and public policy. The principal goals of the department are:

  • to provide an enriched vision of humanity and culture around the globe as well as an increased sensitivity to our everyday experiences of cultural and ethnic diversity, and
  • to train students who choose to pursue careers in teaching, research, and applied fields at the M.A. level, as well providing a solid basis for those who plan to pursue a doctoral degree.