• M. Arch. 2: This track is designed for students who have earned architectural degrees (such as B.A., B.S., and B.E.D.) and consists of studies focused on developing the next generation of critical practitioners. This studio-based professional program is normally two years (52 semester credit hours) in length and is completed via an independently-derived, research-informed design project. The M. Arch. 2 offers admission in fall, spring and summer terms.
  • M. Arch. 3: This track is designed for students with undergraduate degrees in fields other than architecture. This professional program includes one year of preparatory studies (39 semester credit hours) in preparation for the following two years (52 semester credit hours) of the Master of Architecture (M.Arch. 2) program sequence. These preparatory studies are required to be completed in full, as a condition of admission. We encourage students from all disciplines to consider this program as a means for entering the profession of architecture. The M. Arch. 3 only offers admission for the fall term.