The Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering has concentrations in Communications; Computer Engineering; Digital Signal Processing (DSP); Electronic Materials and Devices; Systems and Control; and Electric Power Engineering. The program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET.

Through the proper selection of elective courses (at least three technical elective courses must be selected from a single technical area) to augment required courses, successful students will develop a specialization pertinent to many of these areas that may lead to productive employment in the public or private sector with electronics companies, high-technology industries, and government agencies.

The program will also provide the opportunity for students to develop an understanding of fundamentals and current issues important for future years of learning through such activities as graduate school, distance education, professional training, and membership in professional societies.

The minimum number of semester credit hours required for this degree is 126, at least 39 of which must be at the upper-division level. All candidates for this degree must fulfill the Core Curriculum requirements, the General Engineering requirements, and the Electrical Engineering requirements, which are listed below.