Psychology seeks to understand human (and animal) thinking and behavior, and is a field with relevance to virtually every aspect of modern life. Psychology research identifies the links between mind, body and the social world, and is behind the design of everything from smartphones and children's toys to online networks and public health ads. Psychology also works to identify the processes of human development and change, with the goal of helping people lead happier and healthier lives. Students are offered a wide spectrum of classes, opportunities for research assistant experiences and opportunities to intern at local mental and behavioral health agencies. Together, these learning opportunities provide a foundation for a variety of careers (e.g., medical, law, public policy, or business), in addition to a foundation for pursuing a graduate degree in psychology. The Psychology Department adheres to the expected learning outcomes articulated by the American Psychological Association, which includes one content-based goal and 4 skill-based goals.

Our Bachelor’s Program includes coursework in the areas of clinical psychology, cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology, social and personality psychology, health psychology, and more.  As a hub science, our program is uniquely positioned to provide a strong platform from which students can launch successful careers into academia, or nearly any field of industry.

Our diverse and award-winning faculty are active researchers who investigate phenomena such as texting while driving, sexual attraction, group identity and discrimination, behavioral epigenetics, couple interactions, combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder, and the interactions between physical and mental health.