The Department of Geological Sciences offers a Bachelor of Science in Geological Sciences.?Students can choose from innovative concentrations that are built around a core sequence of courses in the department which give all students in the program a solid foundation in Geology.?All majors are required to participate in our field geology courses in New England and the Western United States.?The self-sponsored field course program is one of the unique strengths of our department. ?Along with our field program, each student is required to conduct an independent and original research project in collaboration with a faculty mentor.?The senior scientific research program serves as our department capstone experience and better prepares the students for their professional life in the sciences.
The concentrations in the B.S. in Geological Sciences are designed to help students develop skills for careers in the Geological Sciences.?Examples of the career opportunities include environmental science and sustainability, public policy, hydrogeology, coastal zone management, watershed management, geologic mapping, mineral exploration, site assessment, oceanography, geophysics, tectonics, teaching in grades K-12, or to prepare students for law school or graduate work in Geology.
Faculty of the Geological Sciences Department are active scientific researchers.?The faculty actively publishes results from funded research activities that span North America from New England to the Rocky Mountains as well as Antarctica and Iceland.?Students of all stages of degree completion have an opportunity to directly participate alongside the faculty as research collaborators.