Students are encouraged to develop analytic and evaluative skills that will enable them to investigate, understand, and explain political phenomena. The Politics curriculum also aims to foster informed and active participation in the political process.

Those who pursue the Politics major have the opportunity to study in the areas of American politics, political philosophy, comparative politics, and international relations. The senior thesis, required of all majors, involves writing a major research paper under the close supervision of a faculty member. Opportunities for interning in government and politics at the local, state, or national levels are available for qualified students with required academic preparation.

Politics majors find career opportunities in law, politics, public administration, planning, international organizations, foreign service, international management, journalism, teaching, research, social service, grass-roots activism, business, and government.

Politics courses are designed to give students opportunities to develop both theoretical and practical understandings of the political world. Students are encouraged to develop analytic and evaluative skills that will enable them to investigate, understand, and explain political phenomena. The Politics curriculum also aims to foster informed and active participation in the political process.