This program emphasizes sociocultural anthropology, which is the study of contemporary peoples as investigated directly by anthropologists through field research. Departmental offerings also provide exposure to particular cultural areas in which the faculty hold expertise: Asia, Latin America, Africa, Native North America, and the Islamic World. For majors and minors in anthropology, the sequence of courses in theory and methods seeks to encourage analytical skills, provide a foundation in anthropological theory and develop practical skills in observation, interviewing, ethics and interpersonal rapport. The study of anthropology contributes to the liberal arts education of students by providing new tools for understanding and analyzing the diversity of world cultures, as well as our own.

Program Information

Students who are curious about the similarities and differences among cultures around the world often find a fresh analytical perspective in anthropology. This program emphasizes sociocultural anthropology, which is the study of contemporary peoples as investigated directly by anthropologists through field research. Departmental offerings also provide exposure to particular cultural areas in which the faculty hold expertise: Asia, Latin America, Africa, Native North America, and the Islamic World. For majors and minors in anthropology, the sequence of courses in theory and methods seeks to encourage analytical skills, provide a foundation in anthropological theory and develop practical skills in observation, interviewing, ethics and interpersonal rapport. The study of anthropology contributes to the liberal arts education of students by providing new tools for understanding and analyzing the diversity of world cultures, as well as our own.

Career Opportunities in Anthropology

With its emphasis on non-Western cultures and its integration of perspectives from the humanities and sciences, anthropology offers versatile training for students in our increasingly interconnected world. A major or minor in anthropology provides excellent preparation for careers in research, education and human services, especially those which involve contact with international and/or multicultural communities. Students of anthropology find employment in both the public and private sectors, in fields as diverse as international development, refugee resettlement, hospital administration, museums and cultural resource management, and tourism.Facilities and equipment available to the department include classrooms, offices and instructional aids in Eaton Hall, Native American art collections in the Hallie Ford Museum of Art and library holdings.