We create effective messages with words, images and sounds that are presented as speeches, news stories, documentaries, websites and advertising or public relations campaigns. We study the processes by which messages are sent and received so that we understand the effects and meanings of communication. We teach students to think critically, to communicate clearly and accurately and to consider their personal and professional obligations to serve the common good. We emphasize excellence in communication and journalistic practices that reflect the professional and ethical development of the whole person.

Our students begin their studies with a core of courses that provide basic competence in writing, speaking and production from informative and persuasive perspectives. COJO majors then choose one of five tracks, that allow them to specialize in a particular area of communication. All COJO students end their major with a capstone seminar in Communication Ethics, ensuring that they understand how ethical principles and practice apply to all forms of communication.

Ultimately, courses in communication and journalism prepare students for a variety of careers in advertising and public relations agencies; in news organizations that publish newspapers, magazines or web sites; in broadcast and digital media operations; in corporate, government, political, advocacy and nonprofit organizations; or for graduate or law school.

Students will find media opportunities at TommieMedia.com and KUST Radio. TommieMedia, St. Thomas' web-based news organization, provides experience in news and advertising presented to the larger university community. A digital television studio and Mac-equipped lab support student work in audio, video and graphic design. Student organizations include chapters of the American Advertising Federation, the Lambda Pi Eta honor society and the Public Relations Student Society of America. The department also hosts an annual conference for undergraduate communication research.