The French degree program offers students a strong liberal arts education in French and francophone cultures from an international perspective. Webster's French professors individually mentor students in small classroom environments that encourage discussion. Undergraduates may choose to minor or major in French, and often pair their French program with other academic disciplines such as international relations, philosophy, music, film, or education.

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:

  • Recognize and appraise the complexities of a culture or cultures different from their own.
  • Identify multiple cultural perspectives based on original texts and cultural materials.
  • Critically analyze their own culture and its place in the world.
  • Question cultural stereotypes.
  • Demonstrate successful and sensitive communication, both orally and in writing, with people from another culture through an understanding of their language and culture.
  • Relate their personality, values and complex thoughts in a language other than their native one.