This is a three-year program offered by SLU?s Center for Advanced Dental Education, in close affiliation with Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine, which is located in nearby Alton, Illinois. The program requirements are conducted at both Saint Louis University and Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine. The periodontic program starts on or about July 1 each year.The periodontic program is offered by Saint Louis University?s Center for Advanced Dental Education, which strives to balance progressive excellence with the highest standards and the compassionate service of our Catholic, Jesuit heritage. Our graduates leave Saint Louis University prepared to be astute and aware clinicians using an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to caring for craniofacial and dental patient problems.The periodontic program focuses on an extensive, comprehensive clinical experience involving diagnosis and treatment of patients with a wide variety of periodontal problems, biomedical sciences courses and research related to the discipline of periodontology. Sixty-eight credit hours are required to complete the program.The clinical portion of the curriculum encompasses all aspects of periodontal treatment including non-surgical therapy, hard and soft tissue resective and regenerative surgery, implant surgery, ridge augmentation procedures, occlusal therapy, conscious sedation, periodontal plastic surgery and maintenance therapy.Courses include principles of periodontics, periodontal literature reviews, conscious sedation, introduction to graduate implant dentistry, advanced implant surgery, clinical teaching practicum, periodontal case presentation seminar, clinical periodontics, periodontal systemic interrelationships, orthodontic-periodontic interrelationships, current literature in periodontics and thesis research.