Lindenwood University?s middle school teacher education program prepares you for a career as teacher of grades 5-9 in the state of Missouri by emphasizing the development of professionally trained specialists in teaching early adolescents.?You are given a top learning experience as you contemplate a variety of teaching philosophies and methods as well as master your content area.?Throughout the program, you are encouraged to challenge yourself as an educator in order to improve lessons and teaching strategies so you are ready for the real-world experience. Besides the work you complete in the Lindenwood University classroom, you will participate in multiple observations and field experiences, which involve working with adolescents and experienced teachers.?With a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in middle school education from Lindenwood University, you are ready for the grades 5-9 classroom as a highly qualified educator.?

In Missouri, middle school certification is defined as grades 5-9.? Middle school teachers often work in teams and typically only teach one or two subjects. Middle school certification is specific to a content area.? While all middle school majors take education courses, you must also complete courses for the specific subject area you intend to teach.