The comprehensive Dance program starts with the basic principles of dance technique and refines them through choreographic and theoretic processes, culminating in the creation of full-scale concert productions. Students in the program are involved at every level of the creative process.

  • Dance majors have the opportunity to participate as members of several dance companies and organizations. Company members are involved in all aspects of producing and presenting dance, from creating and performing choreography to designing and implementing the production and promotional aspects of the concerts.
  • Dance majors are given the opportunity to work with professional dance artists. Each year, at least one regional professional dance artist is in residence, and the program invites nationally acclaimed guest artists to teach master classes.
  • The Dance program participates annually in the America College Dance Association (ACDA) conference.

Career Possibilities

Actor ? Choreographer ? Dancer ? Director ? Scenographer ? Lighting Designer ? Scenic Designer ? Puppeteer ? Theatre Manager ? Critic ? Announcer/Narrator ? Sound/Light Technician ? Scenic Artist ? Propmaster ? Educator (Instructor/Teacher/Professor) ? Stage and Production Manager