Lewis will compute students’ cumulative and semester grade point averages based upon courses completed at both Lewis and IIT. Lewis will use combined cumulative averages to determine eligibility for special academic awards such as inclusion on the dean’s list and graduation with honors. IIT will treat Lewis courses as transfer courses and will not include them in calculating grade point averages.

IIT will accept “D” grades for Lewis courses in the Dual Degree Program only in general education courses. Lewis will not accept “D” grades for IIT courses that substitute for required courses in the student’s major at Lewis.

Transfer credit earned from other institutions prior to enrollment at Lewis will be accepted by IIT provided it satisfies IIT transfer credit requirements. For students enrolled in the Dual Degree Program, IIT will accept transfer credit completed with a grade of “C” or better which has been accepted by Lewis, provided the student has obtained prior Lewis and IIT approval by filing a student petition in accordance with existing Lewis and IIT regulations.