The computer engineering program in the department of electrical and computer engineering offers graduate programs of study which lead to the M.S. degree (thesis and non-thesis options) and the Ph.D. degree. Both the Rolla campus and the Engineering Education Center in St. Louis offer M.S. programs. A great variety of multidisciplinary programs and research areas are available. Most graduate programs in computer engineering normally include some specialization in one or more of the following:

  • Digital Systems Design topics include computer architecture, digital circuits, high performance systems, parallel processors, testing and VLSI design.
  • Electrical Engineering can be an emphasis area in computer engineering or a separate degree. See the section on electrical engineering for emphasis areas in electrical engineering.
  • Embedded Computer Systems topics include hardware/software co-design, microprocessor systems, real-time systems, and smart sensors.
  • Systems, Intelligence, and Software Engineering topics include computational intelligence, computer networks, dependability, fault tolerance, image processing, neural networks and system security/survivability.