Computer science majors often work part-time following their first year on campus. Students gain experience by working for Augustana's Information Technology Services or joining the college's student-run Web Guild.

Computer science students have the opportunity to work with two faculty members with a PhD in computer science?a rare opportunity for undergraduates at a college of Augustana?s size. At the same time, with its strong liberal arts foundation, an Augustana education provides students in the hard sciences and pre-professional programs with a special depth of focus accompanied by a rich range of knowledge.

All students complete Senior Inquiry, a focused, topical capstone project that draws from the student?s comprehensive learning experience and demonstrates benefit to a community. In computer science, seniors apply the software development process to specify, design, implement and test a major software project in teams. This capstone project also includes focus on social and ethical issues, a reflective written evaluation and an oral presentation.