• RIT’S diagnostic medical sonography degree is a four-year program that includes a one-year clinical internship. RIT is one of the very few colleges with ultrasound programs in the U.S. that lead to a bachelor of science in diagnostic medical sonography.
  • RIT’s ultrasound program provides comprehensive sonography education. The program begins with a solid foundation in biology, human anatomy and physiology, and human cross-sectional anatomy.
  • Sonography courses include extensive didactic lectures with full immersion ultrasound scanning in our state-of-the-art Ultrasound Scanning Suite, where students have hands-on instruction in sonography instrumentation and sonographic scanning skills and techniques for vascular evaluation, obstetrics, gynecology, and abdominal and small parts sonography.
  • These courses occur before a one-year clinical internship, where students work in a range of health care settings (hospitals, outpatient centers, physician offices, etc.) where they complete their sonography education with mentors, physicians, and other medical professionals.
  • Courses in patient care and the liberal arts round out your studies. In addition to the development of scanning and diagnostic abilities that focus on relevancy to clinical practice, the program also emphasizes skills in administration, leadership, and research.
  • Students will be prepared for careers in diagnostic medical sonography and related medical fields, as well as for medical school and graduate programs in the health sciences.
  • This is a program that provides a high-quality, comprehensive diagnostic medical sonography education. They will graduate well-prepared, well-trained, and sought-after in the workplace.