Since we learn from experience, by studying history we can greatly broaden our learning through the experience of others, removed in time and distant in space from our immediate world. The study of history is as useful as it is fascinating. History majors develop an ability to communicate well, both orally and in writing, and the capacity to think clearly and analytically.

Because history stresses change over time and provides the tools for comprehending better a rapidly changing world, many of those planning graduate work find history an excellent preparation for professional schools such as law and business administration. For those planning a legal career, a strong background in Western institutions and values can be obtained in a variety of courses in the Department and from the History/Law and Society major.

Furthermore, a major in history prepares the student for graduate study in this field as well as a broad range of general careers in business, government work and foreign affairs that require the written and verbal skills developed in the major. History majors are encouraged to study abroad as part of their program.