What exactly does a chemical engineer do?

It is impossible to tell you what a chemical engineer does because they work in so many diverse areas. A simple answer is they use science and mathematics, especially chemistry, biochemistry, applied mathematics and engineering principles, to take laboratory or conceptual ideas and turn them into value added products in a cost effective and safe (including environmental) manner. We work on petrochemicals, refining, specialty chemicals, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, electronics and information technologies. Some chemical engineers even get law degrees and specialize in patent law.

What makes the Chemical Engineering Program at UCR Special?

The Chemical Engineering program at UCR is unique in several ways. There is an emphasis in small classes and one-on-one interaction with the professors. There are unique research facilities that are made available to our undergraduate students to conduct exciting research projects during the academic year or during the summer period. These laboratories are many times associated with internationally recognized research centers such as the Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering (We encourage and help our undergraduates to publish their results and travel to undergraduate research conferences to present their findings. This type of activity enhances the opportunities for our students to find satisfying and rewarding employment or acceptance into the best graduate schools.