Microbes contribute to many environmental processes, from soil formation to detoxifying polluted environments. In industry, they are key components in the manufacturing of foods such as bread and cheese, and they contain a wealth of useful compounds and enzymes for biotechnology and medicine.

The Microbiology major is administered by the Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology. Both B.S. and B.A. degrees are offered. The major allows students to meet requirements for a large variety of post-graduate professional programs.

Students earning a bachelor?s degree in Microbiology will be prepared for a number of career options. They may continue studies in Microbiology at the graduate level, or enter professional schools in medicine, pharmacy, optometry, dentistry, physician?s assistant, nursing, medical laboratory science, and veterinary medicine, among other health professions. They will also be prepared for technical careers in medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, pharmacology, forensics, patent law, and environmental fields. Finally, they will be equipped to pursue a teaching certificate in science.