You are immersed in marketing the moment you step foot in New York City. Products, advertisements and brands abound. The headquarters of all major fashion, finance, art, history and retail brands live in New York City. Manhattan College?s location is just 40 minutes from midtown. As a marketing major, you can be a part of these exciting industries, and then return home to a comfortable campus.

Even before you graduate, you can make an impact in the field. You will get to work on research projects and take classes that have real, valuable outcomes. Some recent projects include:

  • Determining if students want a Fair Trade store on campus, and which items they want to see in-stock
  • Exploring green goods and hardy plants that can withstand natural disasters like hurricanes
  • Studying green supply chain management abroad, and how to integrate it at home in the Bronx
  • Pitching a business plan to a panel of faculty, alumni and business professionals at the College?s annual Innovation Contest
  • Traveling to India to study an emerging economy firsthand throughout site visits and workshops